Source code for yota.form

from yota.renderers import JinjaRenderer
from yota.processors import FlaskPostProcessor
from yota.nodes import Leader, Node, Blueprint
from yota.validators import Check, Listener

import json
import copy

class TrackingMeta(type):
    """ This metaclass builds our Form classes. It generates the internal
    _node_list which preserves order of Nodes in your Form as declared. It also
    generates _validation_list for explicitly declared Check attributes in the
    Form """

    def __init__(mcs, name, bases, dct):
        """ Process all of the attributes in the `Form` (or subclass)
        declaration and place them accordingly. This builds the internal
        _node_list and _validation_list and is responsible for preserving
        initial Node order. """

        nodes = {}
        mcs._validation_list = []
        mcs._node_list = []
        mcs._event_lists = {}
        for name, attribute in dct.items():
            # These aren't ordered Nodes, ignore them
            if name is 'start' or name is 'close':
                    attribute._attr_name = name
                except AttributeError:
                    raise AttributeError("start/close attribute is special and"
                        "should specify a Node to begin your form. Got type {0}"
            if isinstance(attribute, Node):
                attribute._attr_name = name
                nodes[attribute._create_counter] = attribute
                delattr(mcs, name)
            elif isinstance(attribute, Check):
                # if we've found a validation check
                attribute._attr_name = name
                delattr(mcs, name)
            elif isinstance(attribute, Listener):
                # if we've found a validation check
                attribute._attr_name = name
                if attribute.type not in mcs._event_lists:
                    mcs._event_lists[attribute.type] = []
                delattr(mcs, name)
                # just assume that this is some kind of blueprint with
                # ducktyping
                    for node in attribute._node_list:
                        nodes[node._create_counter] = node
                except AttributeError:

                # merge in our events
                    for key, lst in attribute._event_lists.items():
                        if key in mcs._event_lists:
                            mcs._event_lists[key] = lst
                except AttributeError:

                # and validation
                except AttributeError:

        # insert our nodes in sorted order by there initialization order, thus
        # preserving order
        for i, attribute in sorted(nodes.items()):

_Form = TrackingMeta('_Form', (object, ), {})
[docs]class Form(_Form): """ This is the base class that all user defined forms should inherit from, and as such it is the main way to access functionality in Yota. It provides the core functionality involved with setting up and rendering the form. :param context: This is a context specifically for the special form open and form close nodes, canonically called start and close. :param g_context: This is a global context that will be passed to all nodes in rendering thorugh their rendering context as 'g' variable. :param start_template: The template used when automatically injecting a start Node. See :attr:`yota.Form.auto_start_close` for more information. :param close_template: The template used when automatically injecting a close Node. See :attr:`yota.Form.auto_start_close` for more information. :param auto_start_close: Dictates whether or not start and close Nodes will be automatically appended/prepended to your form. Note that this must be set via __init__ or your class definition since it must be set before __init__ for the Form is run. :param hidden: A dictionary of hidden key/value pairs to be injected into the form. This is frequently used to pass dynamic form parameters into the validator. """ __metaclass__ = TrackingMeta _renderer = JinjaRenderer """ This is a class object that is used to perform the actual rendering steps, allowing different rendering engines to be swapped out. More about this in the section :class:`Renderer` """ _processor = FlaskPostProcessor """ This is a class that performs post processing on whatever is passed in as data during validation. The intended purpose of this was to write processors that translated submitted form data from the format of the web framework being used to a format that Yota expects. It also allows things like filtering stripping characters or encoding all data that enters a validator. """ _reserved_attr_names = ('context', 'hidden', 'g_context', 'start_template', 'close_template', 'auto_start_close', '_renderer', '_processor', 'name') _success_data = None """ Hold information that will be serialized into success return values for render_json """ _submit_action = False """ Tracks whether you're submitting the form, or just validating it for later json serialization """ """ This declares which backend is used when storing semi-persistent information such as CSRF tokens and CAPTCHA solutions. """ pysistor_backend = None """ This defines an adapter object that will be made availible to the Pysistor backend for use in storing the data. For instance, access to sessions frequently requires access to the request object and an adapter can carry that information. More information on this behaviour can be gotten in the pysistor documentation """ pysistor_adapter = None name = None context = {} g_context = {} title = None auto_start_close = True start_template = 'form_open' close_template = 'form_close' render_success = False render_error = False type_class_map = {'error': 'alert alert-error', 'info': 'alert alert-info', 'success': 'alert alert-success', 'warn': 'alert alert-warn'} """ A mapping of error types to their respective class values. Used to render messages to the user from validation. Changing it to render messages differently could be performed as follows: .. code-block:: python class MyForm(yota.Form): first = EntryNode(title='First name', validators=Check(MinLengthValidator(5))) last = EntryNode(title='Last name', validators=MinLengthValidator(5) # Override the default type_class_map with our own type_class_map = {'error': 'alert alert-error my-special-class', # Add an additional class 'info': 'alert alert-info', 'success': 'alert alert-success', 'warn': 'alert alert-warn'} """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # A bit of a hack to copy all our class attributes for class_attr in dir(self): if class_attr in kwargs: continue att = getattr(self, class_attr) # We want to copy all the nodes as well as the list, this is a # succinct way to do it if class_attr in ['_node_list', '_validation_list', '_event_lists']: setattr(self, class_attr, copy.deepcopy(att)) # Private attributes are internal stuff.. elif not class_attr.startswith('__'): # don't try to copy functions, it doesn't go well if not callable(att): new = copy.copy(att) setattr(self, class_attr, new) self.context[class_attr] = new # Set a default name for our Form if is None: = self.__class__.__name__ # pass some attributes to start/close nodes self.context['name'] = self.context['title'] = self.title # run our safety checks, set identifiers, and set local attributes for node in self._node_list: self._setup_node(node) # passes everything to our rendering context and updates params. self.context.update(kwargs) self.__dict__.update(kwargs) # Add our open and close form defaults if hasattr(self, 'start'): self._node_list.insert(0, self.start) else: if self.auto_start_close: self.insert_node(0, Leader(template=self.start_template, _attr_name='start', **self.context)) if hasattr(self, 'close'): self._node_list.append(self.close) else: if self.auto_start_close: self.insert_node(-1, Leader(template=self.close_template, _attr_name='close', **self.context)) # Add some useful global variables for templates default_globals = {'form_id':} # Let our globals be overridden default_globals.update(self.g_context) self.g_context = default_globals # Initialize some general state variable self._last_valid = None self._last_raw_json = None
[docs] def _setup_node(self, node): """ An internal function performs some safety checks, sets attribute, and set_identifiers """ try: if type(node._attr_name) is not str: raise AttributeError except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError('Dynamically inserted nodes must have a _attr_name' ' attribute as a string. Please add it. ') if hasattr(self, node._attr_name): raise AttributeError( 'Attribute name {0} overlaps with a Form ' 'attribute. Please rename.' .format(node._attr_name)) node.set_identifiers( setattr(self, node._attr_name, node) setattr(node, "_parent_form", self)
[docs] def _parse_shorthand_validator(self, node): """ Loops thorugh all the Nodes and checks for shorthand validators. After inserting their checks into the form obj they are removed from the node. This is because a validation may be called multiple times on a single form instance. """ if hasattr(node, 'validators') and node.validators: # Convert a single callable to an iterator for convenience if callable(node.validators): node.validators = (node.validators, ) for validator in node.validators: # If they provided a check add it, otherwise make the check # for them if isinstance(validator, Check): # Just for extra flexibility, add the attr if they left it out if not validator.args and not validator.kwargs: validator.args.append(node._attr_name) self._validation_list.append(validator) else: # Assume only a single attr if not specified new_valid = Check(validator, node._attr_name) self._validation_list.append(new_valid) # remove the attribute so multiple calls doesn't break things delattr(node, 'validators')
[docs] def _process_msgs(self): for node in self._node_list: # process the node messages and inject special values for error in node.msgs: # Try and retrieve the class values for the result type # and send along the required render value try: error['_type_class'] = self.type_class_map[error['type']] except KeyError: error['_type_class'] = self.type_class_map['error']
[docs] def is_piecewise(self): return bool('piecewise' in self.g_context and self.g_context['piecewise'])
[docs] def trigger_event(self, type): """ Runs all the associated :class:`Listener`'s for a specific event type. """ try: for event in self._event_lists[type]: event.resolve_attr_names(self) event() except KeyError: pass
[docs] def insert_listener(self, listener): """ Attaches a :class:`Listener` to an event type. These Listener will be executed when trigger event is called. """ if type not in self._event_lists: self._event_lists[listener.type] = [] self._event_lists[listener.type].append(listener)
[docs] def insert_validator(self, new_validators): """ Inserts a validator to the validator list. :param validator: The :class:`Check` to be inserted. :type validator: Check """ for validator in new_validators: # check to allow passing in just a check if not isinstance(validator, Check): raise TypeError('Can only insert type Check or derived classes') # append the validator to the list self._validation_list.append(validator)
[docs] def insert_node(self, position, new_node_list): """ Inserts a :class:`Node` object or a list of objects at the specified position into the :attr:`Form._node_list` of the form. Index -1 is an alias for the end of the list. After insertion the :meth:`Node.set_identifiers` will be called to generate identification for the :class:`Node`. For this to function, :attr:`Form._attr_name` must be specified for the node prior to insertion. """ # check to allow passing in just a node if isinstance(new_node_list, Node): new_node_list = (new_node_list,) for i, new_node in enumerate(new_node_list): self._setup_node(new_node) if position == -1: self._node_list.append(new_node) else: self._node_list.insert(position + i, new_node)
[docs] def insert_node_after(self, prev_attr_name, new_node_list): """ Runs through the internal node structure attempting to find a :class:`Node` object whos :attr:`Node._attr_name` is prev_attr_name and inserts the passed node after it. If `prev_attr_name` cannot be matched it will be inserted at the end. Internally calls :meth:`Form.insert` and has the same requirements of the :class:`Node`. :param prev_attr_name: The attribute name of the `Node` that you would like to insert after. :type prev_attr_name: string :param new_node_list: The :class:`Node` or list of Nodes to be inserted. :type new_node_list: Node or list of Nodes """ # check to allow passing in just a node if isinstance(new_node_list, Node): new_node_list = (new_node_list,) # Loop through our list of nodes to find where to insert for index, node in enumerate(self._node_list): # found! if node._attr_name == prev_attr_name: for i, new_node in enumerate(new_node_list): self._node_list.insert(index + i + 1, new_node) setattr(self, new_node._attr_name, new_node) new_node.set_identifiers( break else: # failover append if not found for new_node in new_node_list: self._node_list.append(new_node)
[docs] def resolve_all(self, data): """ This is a utility method that runs resolve_data on all nodes with the provided data dictionary. """ for node in self._node_list: node.resolve_data(data)
[docs] def get_by_attr(self, name): """ Safe accessor for looking up a node by :attr:`Node._attr_name` """ try: attr = getattr(self, name) except AttributeError: pass else: if isinstance(attr, Node): return attr raise AttributeError('Form attribute {0} couldn\'t be resolved to' ' a Node'.format(name))
[docs] def success_json_generate(self): """ Please see the documentation for :meth:`Form.error_header_generate` as it covers this function as well as itself. """ pass
[docs] def error_header_generate(self, msgs): """ This function is generally used to generate a header on the start Node automatically when there is an error in validation. For instance, you might want to say "Please fix the errors below" or something similar. While it could actually be used for anything post-validation failure, it is better practice to create a listener that subscribes to "validation_failure" event, as this function is called at the same time. :param msgs: This will be a list of all other Nodes that have messages, with the idea that you might want to list the errors that occurred. :type msgs: list .. note: By default this function does nothing. """ pass
[docs] def data_by_attr(self): """ Returns a dictionary of currently stored :attr:`` attributes keyed by :attr:`Node._attr_name`. Used for returning data after its been processed by validators. """ ret = {} for node in self._node_list: ret[node._attr_name] = return ret
[docs] def data_by_name(self): """ Returns a dictionary of currently stored :attr:`` attributes keyed by :attr:``. Used for returning data after its been processed by validators. """ ret = {} for node in self._node_list: ret[] = return ret
[docs] def validate_json(self, data, piecewise="auto", raw=False): """ The same as :meth:`Form.validate_render` except the messges are loaded into a JSON string to be passed back as a query result. This output is designed to be used by the Yota Javascript library. :param piecewise: This parameter is deprecated. Piecewise is automatically detected from g_context. :param raw: If set to True then the second return parameter will be a Python dictionary instead of a JSON string :type raw: boolean :return: A boolean whether or not the form submission is valid and the json string (or raw dictionary) to pass back to the javascript side. The boolean is an anding of submission (whether the submit button was actually pressed) and the block parameter (whether or not any blocking validators passed) """ success, invalid = self.validate(data, internal=True, piecewise=piecewise) return success, self.render_json(invalid=invalid, success=success, raw=raw)
[docs] def validate_render(self, data): """ Runs all the validators on the `data` that is passed in and returns a re-render of the :class:`Form` if there are validation message, otherwise it returns True representing a successful submission. Since validators are designed to pass error information in through the :attr:`Node.msgs` attribute then this error information is in turn availible through the rendering context. :param data: The data to be passed through the `Form._processor`. If the data is in the form of a dictionary where the key is the 'name' of the form field and the data is a string then no post-processing is neccessary. :type data: dictionary :return: Whether the validators are blocking submission and a re-render of the form with the validation data passed in. """ success = self.validate(data) return success, self.render()
[docs] def render_json(self, invalid=None, success=None, raw=False): """ This function takes the state that is stored internally and serializes it into a form that the yota JS library is designed to recieve. """ # If a list of invalid nodes wasn't included, build it. This is # because json_validate can pass this function the list, and success # info from validate directly if they aren't called separately block = False if not invalid or not success: invalid = [] for node in self._node_list: if node.msgs: invalid.append(node) # slightly confusing way of setting our block = True by # default for error in node.msgs: block |= error.get('block', True) # Make sure they have run validate if self._submit_action and not block: success = True else: success = False msgs = {} # convert node messages into a format for the JS callbacks for node in invalid: msgs[node._attr_name] = {'identifiers': node.json_identifiers(), 'msgs': node.msgs} retval = {'success': success} # add our success header generate results if needed, else success_data if success: if not self._success_data: blob = self.success_json_generate() if blob: retval['success_blob'] = blob else: retval['success_blob'] = self._success_data if hasattr(self, 'start'): retval['success_ids'] = self.start.json_identifiers() retval['msgs'] = msgs # process the msgs before we serialize self._process_msgs() # Return our raw dictionary if requested, otherwise serialize for # convenience... if raw: return retval else: return json.dumps(retval)
[docs] def render(self): """ Runs the renderer to parse templates of nodes and generate the form HTML. :returns: A string containing the generated output. """ # process the messages before we render self._process_msgs() return self._renderer().render(self._node_list, self.g_context)
[docs] def validate(self, data, piecewise="auto", internal=False, resolver=None): """ Runs all the validators associated with the :class:`Form`. :return: Whether validation was successful """ piecewise = piecewise if piecewise != "auto" else self.is_piecewise() # Allows user to set a modular processor on incoming data data = self._processor().filter_post(data) # reset all error lists and data, then re-resolve with the new data. # also parse nodes for shorthand validators at this time for node in self._node_list: node.msgs = [] = '' node.resolve_data(data) self._parse_shorthand_validator(node) # try to load our visited list of it's piecewise validation if '_visited_names' not in data and piecewise: raise AttributeError("No _visited_names present in data submission" ". Data is required for piecewise validation") elif piecewise: visited = json.loads(data['_visited_names']) # assume to be not blocking block = False # loop over our checks and run our validators for check in self._validation_list: check.resolve_attr_names(self) # Run the check if we're not in piecewise mode, or if the check # tells us all relevant form elements have been visited if piecewise is False or check.node_visited(visited): check() else: # If even a single check can't be run, we need to block block = True # Run the one off validation method self.validator() # a list to hold Nodes that actually have messages. while this list isn't # used in this function, it's cheap to generate and saves a loop if # serialization is run at the same time as validation invalid = [] for node in self._node_list: if node.msgs: invalid.append(node) # slightly confusing way of setting our block = True by # default for error in node.msgs: block |= error.get('block', True) # If it's blocking right now then there was an error, so generate # the error header header_err = self.error_header_generate(invalid) if header_err: self.start.add_msg(header_err) # Run our validation trigger events. At this point block represents just # the validation if block: self.trigger_event("validate_failure") else: self.trigger_event("validate_success") # Block if they aren't actually submitting the form. Also, flag as a # non-submit for later serialization if data.get('submit_action', 'false') != 'true' and piecewise: self._submit_action = False block = True else: self._submit_action = True if internal: return (not block), invalid else: return not block
_gen_validate = validate
[docs] def validator(self): """ This is provided as a convenience method for Validation logic that is one-off, and only intended for a single form. Simply override this function and access any of your Nodes and their data via the self attribute. This method will be called after all other Checks are run. """ pass
[docs] def set_json_success(self, **kwargs): """ As opposed to using generate_json_success to pass information to the js success function you can use add_success in your view code. """ self._success_data = kwargs